Telescopes |
Robtics 8" Ritchey Cretien
This is an 8" Ritchey-Cretien telescope mounted on a Skywatcher NEQ6 Pro mount. It is mounted on a steel pier in my observatory. |
William Optics Zenithstar 80.
This is a high quality f/6 80mm refractor piggyback on my 8RC. It is used as wide field main scope, travel scope and guide scope. |
Coronado PST. This is the Coronado PST Ha (hydrogen alpha) solar telescope on a EQ-2 mount. With it one can see prominences, plages, filaments etc on the sun. Observing the sun in Ha shows how dynamic the sun really is. |
Eyepieces, cameras etc |
This is the complete Meade 4000 eyepieces set. In addition I have
- a 2x Orion Barlow, Robtics 0.75x focal reducer/field flattener,
- a 24mm widefield Meade eyepiece, 2" 28mm widefield, 2"diagonal,
- a ND96 moonfilter, a skyglow broadband light pollution filter,
- 2" H-alpha, OIII and SII filters and LUM filter for astrophotography.
I use the following cameras for astrophotography:
- A canon 550D
- ATIK 383L+
Canon EOS550D DSLR camera for prime focus and wide field photography (I have the 55mm kit lense, and a 70-200mm zoom telelens).
Atik 16HRC peltier cooled colour astronomical digital camera for prime focus deepsky photography. This is a 1 megapixel one-shot-colour camera, with cooling of the chip of 25 degrees below ambient temperature.
Atik 383L peltier cooled monochrome astronomical digital camera for prime focus deepsky photography. This is an 8 megapixel camera, with active cooling at user defined temperatures.